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4 Translations of Catullus 101


Multās per gentēs et multa per aequora vectus

            adveniō hās miserās, frāter, ad īnferiās,

ut tē postrēmō dōnārem mūnere mortis

            et mūtam nēquīquam alloquerer cinerem.

quandoquidem fortūna mihī tētē abstulit ipsum.

            heu miser indignē frāter adēmpte mihi,

nunc tamen intereā haec, prīscō quae mōre parentum

            trādita sunt trīstī mūnere ad īnferiās,

accipe frāternō multum mānantia flētū,

     atque in perpetuum, frāter, avē atque valē.


Sixteen hour flight to get me

where you were least you could

is say thanks for trying Best that

you’re ashes probably yes best

you’re this and not that whole other

empty jar Mom and dad never really

much for saying what to do how to

do it so here’s what we’re doing you

say hello I’ll say goodbye.


Oh the places you’ll go.

Makes it all seem a little

past tense. Once-ly I lived.

They called me the Once-ler.

I’ve been trying to write

“beauty forward”. Haversack,

blinnding. That sort of noise.

Never mattered me much

what other peoples thought.

Tricky business this.


They call it kilometers here,

aubergine, raccamat. Tint

the windows green and call me

Dorothy. Oh gauzes how you

waste my blood in keeping it

closed. I a bubbler, let any take

drink, cup hands beneath my

fountain and taste the fate of

all things red. Miles to go.

Meet me at the airport.


Width. Dist. Inch. Kin.

Song. Bond. Socks. Pod.

Rush. Lunch. Cut. Shun.

Bad. Laugh. Track. Bass.

When. Edge. Beg. Beg.

Abomination after Catullus 85

Odious ammo, quarry it a face

for Tessie, wreck viris.

Nesquik O! Sad fire scent O! O

I hate it. I love it.

I hate it and I love it.

I hate/love it. Hatelove. Halve.

Why I don’t know but Jesus,

take him down from there.

Can’t you see he’s already


Anthony DiCarlo is a poet currently pursuing an MFA at the University of Michigan, where the winters are nice. He has had work previously published in RHINO and Palette Poetry, and was the winner of the 2020 Ina Coolbrith Memorial Poetry Prize as well as a finalist in the 2023 Graduate Poetry Hopwood Awards. Aspirations include getting a dog as soon as he lives in an apartment which allows them.

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